Our store is located in the Condesa neighbourhood os Mexico City. In the same building where you can find our recording studio and the PYL workspace, we dedicated a room to a hand curated vinyl and CD collection.
Besides our own releases, the store's catalogue includes artists we have collaborated with and a few releases from other friendly labels. In other words, all records have a direct relation to Pedro y el Lobo.
The store is designed to be a enjoyed while in contact with the music. You can listen to any vinyl in out turntable, while drinking a cup of coffee, or talking to anyone of us to get to know the stories behind each album first hand.
We want to re-define the experience of going to a record store. In stead of looking for music you know in a vasto collection, we want you to find new music from a purely indie selection.
To visit our store, all you need to do is set up an appointment: joaquin@pedroyellobo.com.